I loved these t-shirts! so did the sisters! We had such a good time. SF is a beautiful place and I even got to see my old pastor, Mike. He's the same but maybe a little embarrassed by all the attention. I loved Wicked. It's my new favorite show! What a dad I have that takes us all and treats us to a weekend in the city! Alcatraz was fun too, especially telling everyone how I'd spent the night there 39 years ago when the Indians were occupying the island. Come to find out they were only there for 18 months and we just happened to shipwreck there during that time!
You guys are so fun. I love your dad and his never ending generosity.
Mon Amie,
I am so jealous but so happy that you guys had such a great time. You having the opportunity to share those memories with your dad and sisters is priceless. Miss ya..........
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