Saturday, February 28, 2009

All but the Kitchen Sink

Just spent the last 3 hours getting ready to go skiing for 2 days.... Why is it so hard to leave? Too much junk. The dog is parked in the back of the car and won't get out. She's not gettin stuck at home. Still gotta get Chicken Watchers and sleds and sleeping bags and try on the ski pants and i wanted to make a meatloaf to bring. We'll see. Last 2 games for Erik today. Should be exciting. I love basketball. See you on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I've been feeling lonely lately. Yes, I'm still married but sometimes you just need a date. I told my hubby so we'll see if we actually get one. I've been to Chico and back again today so I have a holy mess in my house. Time to clean and the dog needs a walk and I have to go to the bank and Christopher has a kid over so I can't leave. Anyone want to come over and supervise 3 boys? TGIF.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Foggy Heads

Could barely get these 2 up this am. Homeschool has way too many perks in the sleeping dept. Just wait til there in college, oh boy, what a surprise! Too much to do this am. Off to the Center for tutoring and checking out a Biology class, then down to Chico Center for a teacher meeting, piano, Costco, P.E., and my class tonite. In between, I'm supposed to decide whether or not to get my smashed car fixed or use part of the money to patch it back together and the rest for Erik's braces. Truth is we can't afford braces! These are the things that keep me up at night. Bills! Money! argh! Last night was Karate testing and Christopher finally got his Green Belt, 2 more until Black! He was so happy. Erik got a stripe too. Karate has been great for them, very controlled, no nonsense. They have a great teacher.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Garbage Day

Why is it that I'm the only one who remembers Garbage Day? And if I don't, it doesn't go out and I'm the only one who wakes up to hear the truck pass by? Oh Well, another week with a stinky garbage can in the yard. I went to bed early so I'm all alone in my silent house. How nice! I go pick up a rental car today cause they're going to fix my car. My husband's head is still kind of a mess so I'm sending him to the doctor today just to get checked out and in case he develops any strange symptoms like: wobbling or warbling or just overall craziness. We won our basketball game last night. Christopher was ecstatic cause he knocked the ball out of the other guy's hands and kept the score the same to win at the very end! Yay. He's getting in there and being more aggressive sometimes. Class was great last night but I'm still a little discouraged cause of my knees. I can't really work up a great sweat and now that I'm used to doing that, I'm kind of addicted to that feeling. I have to take it easy or I might never get my old knee back, darn. Off to read my devotions while it's quiet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Christmas 2008

Deer in the Headlights

Well, all these years in this town without getting in an accident... Last night, Ron almost hit a deer (who actually was frozen in the headlights - hence the expression). He slammed on the brakes and someone plowed into him from behind. My poor husband's face is a mess with a gash on his eyebrow and another cut on the side of his face. No stitches for him though. Just try and get a grown man to go to the doctor. He's ok but my bumper is smashed and the back is scraped up. Just a car, but still. This Sunday the pastor said something about how we never could know the future and in an instant, our lives can change so we better just cling to Jesus every day and not rely on ourselves. I struggle to keep my eyes on Him when there's so much going on around me. (Like boys fighting over the Raisin Bran) I'm thankful that my kids are ok and my husband wasn't hurt worse and my car still runs. It's a new day, Lord, help me to keep you first.

Monday, February 23, 2009

No Quitting on Monday

I always want to quit on Monday. I am turning in my resignation. Who do I give it to? God? No, just kidding. It's always a challenge Monday mornings but my friend, Lisa, has imprinted in my mind forever that I'm not allowed to quit on Mondays so onward. Maybe tomorrow.. Actually, our devotion this morning was great - all about servanthood and faith without works. I enjoyed it. The kids, on the other hand, who knows? I had to make them sit up, tell them to stop touching the poker chips, let go of your brother's head, get the dog off of your lap (all 77 pounds of her), etc. etc. All this while remaining calm and keeping my cool. A test, I tell you, always a test for me. Luckily, I slept well and I take it as a challenge some days to not totally blow like a volcano. The Lord is my strength in weakness. His Holy Spirit guards me like a Navy Seal some days. It's only 10 am. Hopefully, He'll stick around all day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shoot em up

I love it that my boys are real boys. They had an airsoft war with their buddies today up off of Coutelenc Road. They get all sweaty and wild and run around in the fresh air, shooting each other. All kinds of fun. What would it be like to have a girl? I guess I'll never know. Sometimes the dog and I feel like the minority in our household but we're ok because who could live without those boys? I helped Ron change the oil in both cars tonite. It reminds me of when I would hang out with my dad under the hood of many a car watching him work. Good stuff. I love cars especially when they work! Christopher was moaning to a friend at Karate the other day that he was going to wind up with the old Mercedes wagon when he starts driving (if it lives that long) and his buddy said, "no kiddin, that is soooo cool!" Now that car is awesome to my boy, he can't wait. That's all it took. Now I gotta pay somebody to tell Erik that a Geo Metro is the hottest ride in town!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Basketball, Boys, Banana Bread, Blogs

Doesn't the title say it all? This morning has been hard to get started. first off - cause Michelle and Shakespear had to come and visit! they love to come and get us all off track just for the fun of it! It's great to have friends that come and see you with the mascara running down your face and the old ratty pajamas and robe on. Gotta love it. the dogs love each other even tho Shakey tries to cream her by plowing over her. I am so ready to be done schooling for the weekend. But - one has to get started to finish so here I go. I made Banana Bread this am and the boys are all into Around the World on the court. Blogging's fun, I never knew it could be. So fun. I need to add pics.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh so sleepy

Another day in the life of the Lamberts... Had so much fun at Mulbee's last nite but was tired, tired, tired. Is it my age creeping up or what? My husband and I stayed up again talking til after midnight. This kind of behavior is for the young ones, I don't know how I used to do it. It's a beautiful day and more school but I have a tutor coming for the kids, Yay! They don't like writing so I'm passing it off to someone else. Less torture for me. Lots of stuff going on today, may I find God in the drudgery as Oswald Chambers would say....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Waffles and Pot Roast

top of the morning! so weird having to make breakfast while I'm throwing together dinner in the Crock Pot! such is the life of the mother of 2 starving (not just hungry) boys. They show me love the most while I'm preparing their food. They will do anything for food. "Mom, I will finish all my schoolwork in the next 2 hours without stopping if you make pancakes", or "I will write a two page paper on the Constitution if you make some lunch". My goodness. I will never be able to be the slim picture of myself with these boys and man living here. I will have to be sent away to a fat farm to really lose it or spend 2 hours a day with a trainer (that would be you, Sarah) to get a cute figure. ah, another day resigned to motherhood and chubbiness.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Just got back from the Bay Area where it was actually clearing up after a huge storm last night. My friend, Susy's mom just turned 84! We had a great time with Mariachi band and catered Chinese. It's like going back 20 years where I used to spend the night as a teenager. Frozen in time, it felt like. Home now and trying to rein in the 2 wild Indians who are stuck in the house. Hard to keep them away from the electronics, it's all they think about. Whoever made those things had to have boys in mind. They are obsessed!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love, Love, Love

I got my Valentine's Kiss at 12:30 am. Stayin up way too late around here! Pancakes and bacon and flowers for breakfast. Happy Valentine's Day! Had a great day with the kids and hubby. Love my life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Snow Dust

How quiet it can be when there's snow in the streets of Paradise! I love this town. It has seasons, imagine that? Growing up in the Bay Area, we didn't have many seasons like here. This town has been good to me all these years. Almost 20. I've had the same Valentine for at least 21 years. He's an oldy but a goody. What a great thing to say, "I'm in love with my husband". Going out for sushi and music tonite, can't wait.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Driving Mr. and Mr. Daisy

All afternoon was spent driving the two "daisies" around. Piano, then tutoring, P.E., Basketball and now home. Long day, well spent. School was: Geometry, the Panama Canal, teeth, involuntary muscles and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity... My goodness, I'm blonde. I should not have to know any of these things. Well, it's time for bed and I can't wait.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Raining Cats and Dogs and Chickens

Why shouldn't chickens be included? Ours are outside wandering around in this wet mess, crazy chickens! Well, Michelle, two can play at this game. I love your blog and so therefore I am making my own. Maybe it'll be better than Facebook, who knows? I love my friends, I was super encouraged by my Michelle this morning. Never underestimate the value of encouraging words especially on a rainy day...