Monday, March 30, 2009


It's really getting close to the end of the year suddenly. I hope that my kids learned something this year. I really am convicted about teaching them more about God before they get too cynical. :D I am so thankful that we're able to talk about all of the things of God at home. Someday it could become against the law, you never know. Attitudes still need adjustments around here and I'm working on that too. Mine included. Mondays are so full of work. I'm trying to pace myself. 2 of the weeks in April will be off so not much time to get a lot done. Hope your day is going well. It's gorgeous outside. Need to get out there.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Can Fly!

Why do boys always have to be on the verge of killing themselves to have fun? They set up a jump next to the lawn to rollerblade over and then land on the lawn. All went well until Erik didn't buckle the helmet and it flew off and he landed on it. Ouch! Christopher also knocked his chin on his knee. Ouch! I don't understand why boys have this internal need for danger but I do get that it's a necessary part of their growing up. Maybe it's the warrior thing. I have to read that book, Wild At Heart, again. That was helpful. In the mean time, I just pray that the Lord will send his angels to watch over them and that they'll use their common sense to keep safe.
I have my meeting with the teacher this AM. I never look forward to it but today I am ready and it'll be short, by golly. It's a beautiful day - this is absolutely my favorite time of year. We're planning a party for Ron next week. He's finishing a job that has taken so long and been grueling. So cake, balloons, dinner, dressed up dogs, funny hats, the works!! How thankful I am for my hard-working man! Well, gotta go make Erik run around the house 10 times for a time trial.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nice Hair!

Well, I'm so proud I just had to blog about it! Christopher got First Place and Best in Show for his Hovercraft project in the Science Fair! He worked so hard and paid for everything from the plans to all of the materials, even sending away for a blower. He's a hard worker and deserved a little recognition. The only recognition he got while in public school was a referral to the principal's office for jumping the fence to retrieve a ball and flipping over backwards and jumping off of the swings. He's definitely a full-fledged homeschool boy complete with the goofy hairdo. He demonstrated his project for all of the little kids on Monday and gave them a ride. He was so sweet and nice to them. They all thought he was the coolest kid ever. I guess I really crave a little recognition for my kids when most of what we do is only seen by us. It was great to have someone say "good job". Now when is teacher's appreciation week and where's my end of the year gift, Michelle? A beach towel would be nice!! ;D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday in the City

Dad and I went to SF on Sunday. It was the windiest day ever as you can see from the pictures. I had a great plan to rent those Segway things and cruise all around but it was too cold so we went to lunch at the Beach Chalet - Crab Louie Salad, yum! and then to the Academy of Science and the Steinhart Aquarium. It was so great to see these newly remodeled. I have many memories of this museum as a kid. You used to walk into the Aquarium up some marble steps and the first thing you'd see is a white alligator. Now it's totally different. The penguins were cute as usual but my favorite thing was a Giant Sea Bass. He was HUGE! and he moved so slowly and had such a cute mouth. I could have watched him for hours. It was great taking my time and looking at each thing. My dad enjoyed it too. I could tell. What I love about my dad is wherever I've been in the world, if I asked my dad to come and meet me somewhere, he would. France, Norway, Italy, SF, Monterey, Switzerland, anywhere. He's always up for it. He loves to make a memory. I think we'll be doing more of this in the near future. Definitely a great day!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Had a great weekend in the Santa Cruz mountains. I was totally alone without all my "regular" people on a women's retreat. For those of you who've been on a women's retreat know that it's usually not very restful, fun, but not restful. Well, this was a change for me. I spent a lot of time by myself which I really needed. I walked into the woods and drank my tea amongst the trees and wrote in a journal. I worked out in a beautiful workout room by myself - all brand new equipment. I read and I went to a show. I got a massage and contemplated my life. I went to a bookstore and bought books, I ate when I wanted and slept when I wanted. I didn't feel guilty if I was late for something, I didn't feel bad when I had to bow out of something. It was bliss. I really thank God for letting me have this little chunk of time, I needed it. Now I'm home back to reality but truly thankful for time away. I'll post pics later. Gotta monitor the boys and the gocart. See ya!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Belly over the Belt

Oh My. Put on the pants this am and the old belly is coming over the belt. Not good, I tell you. I've relied for years on the old exercise routine to keep me somewhat out of trouble. It's never that easy. I know now with my new injuries that I have to cool it on the eating binges. I struggle so much loving food the way I do. I'm hoping to have a new focus instead of the old one: What's to eat? I'm praying for a new mind and a new body for that matter. Then I guess I get to work on it as Sarah would do. She's my fearless leader and she's given me all the good info. Now it's up to me to apply it. Cindy, you have been doing just that and it shows. Good for you!!! Now help me for heaven's sake!! Lovin this weather....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Got Green?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Did you know that St. Patrick had been imprisoned in Ireland for 6 years and went back to Scotland (where he's from) and found Jesus (or I mean Jesus found him) then went back to Ireland to share Jesus with the Irishmen who imprisoned him. Pretty cool guy.

I was thinking how fun it would be to have Corned Beef and Cabbage and wear green and have clovers on my blog, blah, blah, blah. Then my kids got up and began by pinching each other. They can make a holiday go down the drain, I tell you. So they're out doing laps around the house and then we'll see if we can talk... Happens every year, you'd think they'd learn. I now dub this blog my "complain about the kids blog".. Sorry life's a little tough at times and I'm a little faint at heart. Can't wait to have my painful workout tonite and the weather's clearing up and getting warmer. Love it!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Devotions Darn it

Oh the feel of the Monday morning. I started us with devotions and had to give the famous warning speech twice during our reading... Oh the things out of my mouth...."We read this book so that we can learn how to live and gain control of our mouths and stop being so angry", I say through bared teeth. Then they calm down and listen for a short time. Ron came in and prayed with us and I swear they were perfect angels. Never in my naive mind could I have imagined as a new believer, that this was the way we would go about our "God moments". It's all about Him once again and our not being Him. I really can see His holiness better and better as I get older and see my wretchedness.

Walked in the rain yesterday eve. with Michelle and the dogs. They were so happy and prancey and goofy after being cooped up in the house. I felt that way too. I love getting outside. Thanks for always going with me every time I want to get out, Michelle. You're the best!
Ron and I went over all of our bills last night and decided when to pay, how to pay, etc. I felt soooo good afterwards. Is this a sign of a new maturity in our marriage?? I hope so. Huge relief and I think I found a mistake in our property taxes in our favor. We'll see.
In the background I can hear the boys talking... "You're gonna wake up in the morning tomorrow with lipstick on," Erik says. Christopher says, "Shut up, you bleep." Guess it's time to be done with the blog and get down to the real business. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Morning you sure like fine!

Ooops. Hit enter before I entered anything... last night was a little sleepless cause I lay awake thinking about my kids' friendship skills and how they could use a little say the least. Sometimes I think we have too much of a birdseye view on our kids' lives. My mother never knew what I was up to during the day, either I was at school or outside in the woods til dark. I guess I was at home fighting with my brother and sister at night enough but she's blanked it out and I don't remember the details...

So when I got up this am, I lectured Christopher about how he needed to be more caring and other focused instead of selfishly thinking about him. I felt bad cause I know he's sensitive and does have remorse about stuff and later in church, he moved next to me and hugged me and petted my hair and tried to cheer up my stinky attitude. I love that boy and he makes me mad too. That's parenting for you, you want to kill em and then you want to kiss em.

I guess what it all comes down to is that God is teaching ME self-control thru this parenting business and I don't learn easily at least without a lot of kicking and screaming. Sometimes I think it's all about them but it's really God's plan to make me change. He's my only hope and theirs too for that matter. I'll keep going back to you, Lord. In the meantime, show me mercy, please.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesdays and Thursdays

My 2 favorite days of the week! Why? Because I get to work out with a bunch of friends and finally let go of all of the tension and stress of the week. I had the best time last night. It was beautiful at 6 pm with this time change and the sun was still shining on the track. I ran and ran. Sarah knows just how good it finally feels for me to be able to do that. I can't do hills and bleachers yet but I'm progressing. I can feel it. What would I do without my class? I don't know. I can't drink or do drugs or go freewheeling all over Europe but I can work out with the "Navy Seal Queeen of Exercise". How do you like that name, Sarah? So fun!

Went to the dog park yesterday with Siri and she got ran into again by another Lab. I don't know what it is about Labs but they just seem oblivious to other dogs. She's OK. I'm glad it's Friday but I have a tax appt. at 1 pm and I never look forward to that. Stayed up way too late again. What can I say? I married a night owl. Erik's getting better. He played hard in P.E. yesterday and was a little worn out afterwards but I think he's on the mend.

Christopher is on to his latest project - some water wheel generator thingy. I don't know where he gets these ideas. He's using up all my yellow legal pads making drawings and trying to convince Ron to take him to Ace Hardware every day for supplies. Ron just rolls his eyes. I wish I could get him into some class where he could experiment with all these little devices....

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Feeling a little grumpy this am... Hormones, gotta have em. Mine are disappearing quickly.

Yesterday when my mom called to ask how Erik was doing, Christopher answered the phone. He matter of factly said, "Oh Erik, he had to go to the doctor and well, he has an eye infection, an ear infection, and well, numerous other maladies which are incurable." My mom cracked up so bad she was still laughing when he handed me the phone. My mom loves to crack up. She'll cry when it gets too funny.

We had artichokes and chocolate chip cookies for dinner last night. Can you believe it? Our pastor chocks every weird thing lately up to the time change. Well, it's the time change. I just can't get used to it. Ron and I walked the dog last night at 7:30 pm and then came home and ate dinner. I fell asleep at 12:30 so I'm sleepy cause morning comes fast.

We read about the fruit of the Spirit this am for, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, self-control. I am lacking in a few of these. We talked about how we can't just look at the list and force ourselves to have one or all of these. Instead, we need to keep our focus on Jesus and he'll bring his fruit into our lives. We have to keep running to Him cause we'll just produce yucky, rotting fruit in our own strength. Ain't that the truth? Well, here I go clinging to Him reaching for a little fruit.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hey, we are still suffering with Erik's illness around here. I say we're suffering because when he's sick we all suffer. All you have to do is get a kid to drop by though and suddenly, he's well enough to jump on the trampoline and go outside. I'm trying to be patient but some days it is soooo hard. I'm also trying to eke out a little schoolwork from him and you'd think he was dying... there's the other boy who won't write more than a few words when I need a full page. Help!
ARgh!! I want to escape. I need to count my blessings. What are they??? I forget. It's sunny today. I love my dog who laying right beneath me right now (probably hiding from the kids). It's almost the middle of March and school ends the end of May. I'm going to Washington, D.C. in April. Someone paid for me to go to the Women's Retreat as a gift. Ok, I'm good. Back to work again.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Taxes and temperatures

Still working on the taxes, determined to get them done before Friday. Erik has a temperature and is incapicitated. Sooooo, not much school happening for him. Christopher is working extremely hard to be able to spend the day at his buddy's house tomorrow. I can sure see what motivates him these days. I gotta get out of my PJ's, it's 11:30 for heaven's sake.

Visited with my Gramma yesterday and she was so happy. Sometimes she is so great to talk to, interesting and full of info. She's 90 now and I can see her slowing down, finally. She's been old since I was little (?) but always so fast paced and full of energy. Lately she's been getting rid of a lot of stuff and cleaning closets. Her world has gotten so much smaller since she quit driving last summer. I love that she and I love a good cup of tea. She still buys all of my specialty tea for me from Seattle. I also love that we both love the library and befriend all of the librarians. I read soo much and so does she. She's a baker of wonderful pies and a great gardener. Two things I need to learn. Well, that's it for today. Hope you find many good things in your life today to be thankful for.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Times have changed

And we sure didn't know it!! Yikes! What a wild ride. We didn't practice this week and then we were supposed to get set up early for music at church and we were late. So my heart was pounding all morning, almost as much as watching that movie, "Taken" last night. So scary and wild! Anyways, we made it thru worship by the skin of my teeth. I had the shaker (little egg for rhythm) and one song "You are the Everlasting God" requires double time and I really felt like I was patting my head and rubbing my tummy the entire song. Made it thru barely.... Then I was settling in to hear the sermon and Erik started looking green so I took him home. It was nice. I don't know, is that weird? Why is it that I always feel more like the "MOM" when my boys get sick?? I get into my "nurse" mode and they get all comfy and loveable. Sometimes I can really see that the end of all the intense parenting is in sight and they'll be gone before I know it. I love them so much. They are more precious than I could have ever thought. Thank you Jesus for giving me 2 boys!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I hate it when I lose my posting after I type and type. Oh well, here goes again. I am so happy that it's sunny and I got to go running with my running buddy, Michelle. We had a great time and the old knee did fine. I'm praying I get thru this weird knee thing. Had lunch with the girls yesterday and it was great to be a real person and not just mom or teacher again. I love that! Today has been filled with computer work that is driving me crazy so I gave up. I need to do my taxes cause I have the "appointment" next week! Siri is needing a little run-around time so I have to get outside again. Too much to do, too many papers to deal with, yuck! Does anybody want to come and help??? Just kidding. Got a date tonite.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Got Running?

Hey, I finally ran again after about 2 months of not doing it... I don't know if it's good for the old knee but it was good for my soul. I love running and I need it. It's a need, not a want. It makes me feel normal. I know you're thinking... normal, what? She ain't normal. I know that myself but I FEEL normal when I can run. I am so happy but anxious to see if it actually works out. No run today but maybe in the morning with my buddy, Michelle. We'll see. Sarah, you are so sweet to encourage me and lend me things to help get me better. You're the biggest encourager I know in the exercise dept. Gotta go, lunch is waiting. TGIF!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blogger Blues

This Blog thing is fun, especially decorating the page :D but I don't understand why my close friends don't comment. I thought this was how to communicate when we don't have time to call, etc. You know who you are. You look but don't say a word. Voyeurs, that's what I'll call you. Enough, start talking or I'll change my name and move to another blog. Michelle and Sarah, you're ok for now.

Back from the blizzard adventure. I'm so glad I didn't ski yesterday in the crazy wind and snow. My boys didn't seem to notice it too much. They were soaked to the skin but smiling. They went ice skating too for the first time. So much fun. It's great to go and do something fun instead of work and school all the time.

I love this rain, filling up the lake for more fun this summer. Got a meeting this am about high school, can you believe it? Crazy.