Friday, February 20, 2009

Basketball, Boys, Banana Bread, Blogs

Doesn't the title say it all? This morning has been hard to get started. first off - cause Michelle and Shakespear had to come and visit! they love to come and get us all off track just for the fun of it! It's great to have friends that come and see you with the mascara running down your face and the old ratty pajamas and robe on. Gotta love it. the dogs love each other even tho Shakey tries to cream her by plowing over her. I am so ready to be done schooling for the weekend. But - one has to get started to finish so here I go. I made Banana Bread this am and the boys are all into Around the World on the court. Blogging's fun, I never knew it could be. So fun. I need to add pics.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What the heck, I know I posted on this blog yesterday, but it did not show up. That is right and don't you forget it. Just because you are a homeschooler mom, doesn't mean that I can't just rudely drop by anytime I want. Ha Ha