Christopher got 6 new chicks today. He really attracts the chicks!! They are all Buff Orpingtons which are the sweetest breed of chicken and the biggest. They are massive ladies when they're full grown. So fun for him to have this little business to take care of. I now have him logging on the computer all of his income and expenses to see how much he actually makes from eggs. Another peaceful rainy day at home. I washed all the tile floors today and I think I have a blister on my hand from all the mopping. That shows you how often I actually do it. I couldn't help buying the boys some Easter basket stuff today. I know they're too old but it's so fun to hide the baskets... I also made them watch a video about the Easter story. It was somewhat interesting but a little boring so we turned it off and prayed together. Nothing would make my motherly heart happier than to know that my boys will someday walk in the truth. Please Lord, make it so.
Can I borrow just two of those lil' peachy-pootchies to put in Mia and Hopie's baskets and then give 'em right back to ya'!
Maybe "Christopher's Rent-O-Chick" might be a good secondary job for your boy!
YOU are the Kool-Aid Mom!
Mon Amie,
So sweet, those little chicky faces and Christophers too! I say, we are never too old for Easter baskets. My husband still looks forward to one. Love ya
So cute are those little chicks.
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