Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's a Wrap!

Ron finally finished the job from you know where and we had a party: spaghetti and a green cake! Yuck! We were all so sugared up it was scary. My husband is the hardest worker I know. I wanted him to know how much we appreciate him. I haven't worked for 13 years and he's supported us and took care of us. He never complains. I am so thankful God put us together cause I'm sure it was no accident. I hope these boys catch a little of that hard-working spirit.


Michelle said...

Green cake? I want some!

Ms. Lovely said...

You two are equally blessed.

cindy said...

Mon Amie,
It's so awesome that you apprecdiate that wonderful man of yours. You both are very lucky and it's wonderful to see.
I love ya,
Ton Amie