Oh My. Put on the pants this am and the old belly is coming over the belt. Not good, I tell you. I've relied for years on the old exercise routine to keep me somewhat out of trouble. It's never that easy. I know now with my new injuries that I have to cool it on the eating binges. I struggle so much loving food the way I do. I'm hoping to have a new focus instead of the old one: What's to eat? I'm praying for a new mind and a new body for that matter. Then I guess I get to work on it as Sarah would do. She's my fearless leader and she's given me all the good info. Now it's up to me to apply it. Cindy, you have been doing just that and it shows. Good for you!!! Now help me for heaven's sake!! Lovin this weather....
Mon Amie,
You know how I struggle also and I feel all your PAIN! It seems so unfair because as little as I have been eating it seems that I should be waisting away but as we both know that is not the case. Thanks for the complement though, you are encouraging to me and I love ya,
Ton Amie
Listen, when you have it all figured out, let me know. My legs are still burning today. Dam Jillian. She has the 20 something yearolds on this video and it appears effortless to them. Why can't she be real and get some good old 40 year old housewives on the tape. No fair I tell you, no fair.
So I made the 4th grade journey to Sutter's Fort today. And all I'll take away from this trip is seein' the picture of me and Mia the teacher made us take and thinkin'...okay, I'm gonna need to become a wine-hater like my pals Kari and the Bdoor woman 'caus I look gross in my stupid flowered shirt! The wine hating part will have to begin tomorrow as I needed a glass tonoite to sweep that image out of my head! It's Thursday...Yeah, just go work out, you freaks while I sit here and eat chili cheeses dogs!
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